Committee Biographies

President – Frank Biscoe
1962 – Raleigh, Haslar, ITCRM Lympstone, 40 Cdo, ATRM Poole, Lynx, ATRM, CTRM, 845 NAS, CTRM, 40 Cdo, HQ Cdo Forces, President, Cdo Lof Regt, RNH Plymouth, SRA(SMS) – 1990
Awaiting full Bio

Chair – Ray Holyer
Ray Holyer joined up at HMS Raleigh in December 1969 as a JPMT. Completed MA Basic Training and commenced Physiotherapy Training in October 1970 at the RN School of Physiotherapy in RNH Haslar. Qualifying in July 1975, Ray consolidated his Physiotherapy Training at RNH Haslar before a year at sea onboard HMS Hermes. Back on dry land Ray spent a year with the Army and RAF both at JSMRU Chessington and DSMRU Headley Court before returning to RNH Haslar to run the Rehabilitation Gymnasium and as an aside be the Hampshire County Cricket Club Physiotherapist for 7 years. Commissioned as the first SL(MT)(P), Ray spent a short period of time at RNH Plymouth before going to Southampton University for a year undertaking an MSc in Rehab Studies thence a return to RNH Haslar to oversee the RN Rehabilitation Services. Ambitious for promotion, Ray was appointed to COMAW and HQRM before entering the Tri-Service arena serving with SCART, DSCA and DMETA before becoming DNM(Med) in 2SL’s HQ. Back once more to the Tri-Service arena at DMSTC as the CO and then to Birmingham as the Director of Training. Ray left the RN in early 2008 but then continued as a Consultant for SG working on the MMA Project at Litchfield for 18 months before finally retiring.
Ray is an avid cricket enthusiast and his Umpiring, Scoring, Tutoring and Match Referring activities as a Consultant with the ICC has seen him literally travel the world.

Vice-Chair – Mel White
Joined the RN at HMS Vincent as a JMA in 1967. First draft to the Triumph in Singapore in 1969. OT training and draft to Malta. SRN Training and return to theatres. Deployed to the Falklands conflict as MT1(N). BRNC Dartmouth and All Arms Commando training and to Medical Squadron as a Troop Commander. RNH Stonehouse as Admin Officer and then to HQRM as SO3 Med(Staff Officer.) Short spell as Rehab Officer at RNH Haslar which included deployment to “Operation Safe Haven” as AO SST in Northern Iraq then to the Institute of Naval Medicine as Training Officer. Back to Medical Squadron as OC Med and then to the Royal Naval Medical Staff School as Executive Officer which included the transfer of RN training to DNMST Keogh Barracks as OC Medical Wing. Extended appointment at Keogh to take over as Chief of Staff from the Army. Having bought a nice little cottage in Cornwall and received a promise from my appointer that I could get a bit of stability and opportunity to renovate my cottage by doing the OC MDHU Derriford job – I was duly appointed as XO to HMS Argus for Op Telic 2. Now lives in South Yorkshire with CINCNAVHOME and an energetic Springer Spaniel. Both siblings work within the NHS – Radiotherapist and Dietician.

Secretary – Tony Rafferty
I Joined up in January 1972 HMS Raleigh, RNH Haslar, 1974 -1976 RNH Stonehouse, 1976 -1978 RNH Mtarfa / RNH Malta RAF Luqa Malta, 1978 -1981 RNH Stonehouse, HMS Drake, 1981 – 1983 845 NACS Falklands / Norway, 1983 – 1984 RNH Stonehouse, 1984 – 1986 MCM2 Portsmouth, 1986 – 1987 CHOSC Bardufoss Norway, 1987 – 1988 CTCRM Lympstone, 1988- 1991 HMS Tamar Hong Kong, 1991-1992 HMS Cochrane, 1992 P8 S & I.
I Swiftly moved into Medical Sales (Equipment) throughout Europe. Focusing on requirements for Physiotherapy / other AHPs, Radiology, Cardiology & Obstetrics. Ad Hoc lecturer at Robert Gordon’s University covering, Electromyography with Bio-feeedback, Muscle stimulation & Gait Analysis.
With the impending birth of Hollie in 2003 joined the NHS in Grampian, starting off in Health Promotions before moving into Cancer Audit. Designed the Cancer Care Pathway Database ( a tool for tracking all cancers and the admin tool for Cancer Multi Disciplinary Teams (MDT) ) in 2005. This system remains in widespread use throughout the North of Scotland & the data is also used for Cancer Research projects. Highlight was presenting “How to set up a Cancer MDT” to the International Colo Proctology Festival in Edinburgh 2010. Following 2 years of secondment to Macmillan Cancer, (Setting up Tailored Information for the People of Scotland, now housed in the NHS inform platform) returned to NHS Grampian in 2014 to manage 75 trainee doctors in Surgery.
I Will be reallocating my waking hours (retiring is for old people) as of the 31st May 2024.
I Joined RNMBR&SBS in 2023 and happily volunteered for the position of National Secretary.

Treasurer – Joe Kirk
Joe Kirk served as a MT, Health Inspector, 1971 – 83. After qualifying, he worked under the Fleet Health Inspector and NMOH Fleet at INM, subsequently serving on the staffs of Area Flag Officers. On leaving the RN he trained in accountancy, qualifying Chartered 1987. He served in the RNR 1988 – 98, initially at Sussex Division RNR then at Sussex URNU, with stints in HMS Arun, HMS Pursuer and at BRNC Dartmouth.
He has acted as accountant, auditor/examiner and Treasurer to a range of charities and associations small and large, also filling most other “committee” posts. Now retired in West Sussex.

Membership Secretary – Dave Grist
Joined RN in 1978 as a PMT(N). Served until 1996 then left on redundancy as CPOMT(N). Joined RNR as MS Sub Lt in 1996 until 2005 then transferred to the QARNNS(R) as a nursing officer. Left RNR in 2017 as Lt Cdr (Q). 1 Operational tour in Afghanistan in 2011. Also worked at INM’s Environmental Medicine Unit as MOD Civilian from 1996 to 2022.

QARNNS Representative – Elaine Grist
I am a theatre nurse who joined the RNR in 1987 at HMS Salford, Manchester.
During my 34 yrs I have deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan (twice) and been on various sea exercises . I am now on FTRS recruiting all medical personnel mainly for the reserves but also for any branch any service as a service career is a good career, which takes me all over the country.
I am based in Fareham and married to David Grist.

Slops Bosun – Trisha Bolt
1976 – 1980, Direct Entry SEN, RNH Plymouth, HMS Neptune.

Magazine Editor – Steve Garth
I joined the RN in 1976 and served until 1986. I was a MT4(N) until I transferred to the QARNNS as an LRGN in 1983 after the Falklands Campaign, during which I served in SST2 at Ajax Bay. Like most Nurses of my time I served in Haslar, Stonehouse and Gibraltar, and also had the privilege of serving in HMS Cochrane and just under a year on HMS Jupiter. After the RN I served as a Nurse in the NHS, working my way up to Senior Nurse Manager in Doncaster, where I now live retired with my wife. I have two adult children and three toddler grandchildren.
I have always had an interest in computers and now design and build websites as a hobby, and I am also proficient in MS Publisher, which we use to produce the magazine.