Royal Naval Medical Branch Ratings & Sick Berth Staff Association


The 2025 Reunion Weekend Will be held in Bristol

11 – 13th April 2025

The Association Reunion and AGM weekend is an excellent time to catch with old friends, make new contacts and simply have a pleasant time with comrades. Within the weekend is also a chance to meet and speak to The Association committee, ask questions and raise your concerns, as well as vote during the AGM meeting.
Next years reunion is in the wonderful historic city of Bristol, and payment is needed early, so go along and complete your booking form.

Lets Keep You Up To Date

Important Information…

Email and Personal Details

The process of changing and updating our website has highlighted to us that a number of members have not kept their details up to date.
This is especially true of emails, some being returned as ‘Address Unknown.
If you were able to log onto the website, please go to the ‘Members Only’ – ‘Edit Your Profile’ page and make sure your details are correct.
If you are a member of The Association, but have not received your website logon details, then use the ‘Contact Us’ page to let us know.

RNMS Memorial

The RNMS Memorial was successfully unveiled and dedicated on Friday 23 September 2016 at the National Memorial Arboretum by MDG(N). This is reported in the DocRN magazine, December 2016 Doc RN issue 68 page 18. Association Members can download this edition from the magazine archives. 
A third inscription plaque was unveiled on the Sick Berth and Auxiliary Sick Berth Ratings memorial in remembrance of those post WW2.  April 2017 Doc RN issue 71 pages 11 and 13. 


The Association annual subscription is £13 per annum for Full and Joint Membership with the subscription running from 1st January to 31st December. 
A Standing Order, due on 1st January each year, is the preferred method. If still paying by cheque please ensure you submit your subs to the Membership Secretary.  
Please ensure you let The Association know if any of your contact details change.  

DocRN Magazine

The Association Magazine is published three times a year and can be posted to your home, or downloaded from this website.
The members only magazine contains interesting articles and a heads up on the state of the Association.
If you wish to share events, memories, stories, or dits then
please send them via email
or post to the editor Steve.
The PDF is available to read after Login.

The National Executive Committee

Working to ensure that the Association is managed effectively and for its members. For amore detailed biography, please click on the person.

Committee Member

Do you want to help manage The Association? It needs all types of skills and experience, so why not talk to one of the existing committee members to get the low down?