Latest News

Put On Your Reading Glasses

  • Royal Naval Cottages Charity Update
    A message has been received which may be of interest to some of our members; I write to you…
  • Processing Delay At The Slops
    The Association Slops (our shop) has an unforseen issue, and any orders made will be subject to a delay….
  • The Association Reunion Weekend 2025
    The Association annual get together will be held in Bristol on the 11 – 13th April 2025.This members only…
  • RN & RM Medical Assistant Historic Tribute
    This is a very interesting, and for many emotional video.
  • Chelmsford Race Course Remembrance Event
    This message was sent via the DocRN website. From: – Carrie Anne Race – Chelmsford Race Course Hi,I am…
  • Veterans Should Self Declare To GPs
    Ministers join forces to encourage veterans to self declare to GPs Veterans’ Minister Johnny Mercer and Health Secretary Steve…
  • Visiting HMS Raleigh
    On behalf of the Captain, I am delighted to announce a new initiative at HMS Raleigh for those wishing…
  • News From British Columbia
    Wildfires Ravage Canada and North America Association member Len Lloyd reports from British Columbia that he’s safe from the…
  • In Memoriam
    Very sadly over the past couple of weeks, The Association have had, some long serving Members “Cross The Bar”….
  • Committee Vacancy
    Association Honorary Secretary. It is with regret that our Honorary Secretary, Phil Davey, intends to stand-down at the next…