Photo Galleries Wartime History WW1 Patient Transfer WWI Sickberth Staff WWI Sickberth Staff 2 Sickberth Staff at Haslar 1915 Sickberth Reservists 1914 Sick Berth Staff WWI onboard Hospital Ship Sick berth Staff RNH Bighi 1916 Sick Berth Staff at Alexandria 1916 Sick Berth Staff afloat WWl Sick Berth Staff 1917 Sick Berth Petty Officer HMS Cairo 1941 SBA Reservist WWI with war chevrons right sleeve POMA Coker Physiotherapist HM Yacht Victoria and Albert Medical Staff aboard HMS Glory 1945 Malta PMA Class 1945 Hospital Ship WWI Crew and including Sickberth Staff HMS Pembroke 1917-1919 HMHS Plassey Band WWI Gibraltar 4 Gibraltar 3