Veterans Should Self Declare To GPs

Veterans Should Self Declare To GPs

Ministers join forces to encourage veterans to self declare to GPs Veterans’ Minister Johnny Mercer and Health Secretary Steve Barclay are urging veterans and service leavers to access specialist healthcare pathways run by NHS England and service charities. Veterans’ Minister Johnny Mercer and Health Secretary Steve Barclay are urging veterans and service leavers to access…

Visiting HMS Raleigh

Visiting HMS Raleigh

On behalf of the Captain, I am delighted to announce a new initiative at HMS Raleigh for those wishing to revisit the training establishment. Initially, once a term, the opportunity will be offered to any singleton visitor (groups will still be accommodated by Raleigh Exec) to see the old stomping ground on a Friday. The…

News From British Columbia

News From British Columbia

Wildfires Ravage Canada and North America Association member Len Lloyd reports from British Columbia that he’s safe from the wildfires currently (21 August) ravaging much of the province.  On Vancouver Island, thankfully some way from the fires, he reports: ‘…. We are lucky – we are ok – been hot but the Island is safe….

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Very sadly over the past couple of weeks, The Association have had, some long serving Members “Cross The Bar”. Most recently Brian “Andy” Capps, Sam Small and Patrick Bolt. Details concerning Funeral dates and places have already been placed on The Association Facebook site.We have also just found out that Gordon Macintyre Scott OBE “Crossed…

Committee Vacancy

Committee Vacancy

Association Honorary Secretary. It is with regret that our Honorary Secretary, Phil Davey, intends to stand-down at the next AGM.This is an important role within The Association and the candidate will be assisted by the outgoing Secretary and the rest of the committee.So if you fancy co-ordinating a most enthusiastic group of members within the…

Subscriptions 2023

Subscriptions 2023

Just a quick reminder for full (subscribing) members of the Association that subs are due by the date of the AGM otherwise your membership will be lapsed. If you have a standing order set for after 1 Apr 23 you should change it to a date in March. Ideally we would prefer all Subs to…

Committee Vacancies

Committee Vacancies

The Association will have a couple of vacancies after the next AGM in 2023. It is important for the running of The Association that we have a complete National Executive Committee, so it would be good if you could consider whether you can contribute by filling one of these posts. Association Honorary Secretary. It is…